Publication Listings

As part of our work in the defense of civil liberties, the ACLU of Nebraska issues reports, position papers, booklets and advocacy materials that study and note developments in civil liberties. Below is a listing of some of our publications organized by issue.

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Dangerously Out of Bounds: Tasers in Nebraska

Tasers release 50,000 volts of electricity that jolt the body's central nervous system. While often classified as a "less-lethal" weapon, Amnesty International reports that there have been over 540 Taser-related deaths in the United States in the past thirteen years.

August 19, 2014 Police Practices

The Tipping Point

Have Nebraska's Prisons Crossed into Unconstitutional Territory? Joel Donahue, Staff Attorney Amy Miller, Legal Director Alan Peterson, Senior Counsel

March 31, 2014 Smart Justice