LINCOLN, Neb. – The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Nebraska is raising concerns as state senators consider how to implement a new photo ID voting requirement.
Nebraska voters approved new constitutional language last November that mandates voter ID “in a manner specified by the Legislature to ensure the preservation” of voters’ constitutional rights.
Today, Nebraska State Sen. Julie Slama introduced LB 535, detailing proposed changes. Her proposal comes a week after two similar bills from State Sen. Steve Erdman.
Journalists covering this topic can use this statement from Mindy Rush Chipman, interim executive director of the ACLU of Nebraska.
“State senators need to remember that this new requirement will impact thousands of voters, not just a few one-off cases,” Rush Chipman said. “Each voter ID bill brought forward so far would result in unreasonable barriers to the ballot. Each bill also presents insufficient plans for making sure every otherwise eligible voter without a ‘satisfactory’ ID will be able to easily get one. Ultimately, state senators have a responsibility to reject these bills or to significantly rework them to ensure continued access to our elections. Nebraskans’ votes – and voices – are on the line.”