January 25, 2019

The Nebraska Supreme Court decision released today regarding our case, Sandoval v. Ricketts, affirms the district court's dismissal of the inmates' suit.

The following statement in response can be attributed to Danielle Conrad, executive director of the ACLU of Nebraska:

"Today’s ruling does not resolve our clients’ claims that, after the Legislature’s 2015 repeal of the death penalty, they no longer may be executed. We look forward to resolution of those claims in the individual postconviction proceedings the Court has ruled that each prisoner must undertake. 

While we respect that Nebraskans of goodwill hold different viewpoints on the death penalty, these and other concerns about transparency, accountability and fairness will persist beyond this case. These problems will continue to drain resources from our crisis-riddled prison system, courts and legislature until we rejoin our sister states as they continue to turn away from the death penalty."