LINCOLN, Neb – Today the ACLU of Nebraska Executive Director Danielle Conrad released the following statement in response to a bill introduced by Sen. Patty Pansing Books, LB870, limiting solitary confinement for young Nebraskans. The bill was introduced with eight cosponsors from across the political spectrum.
“We thank Senator Pansing Brooks for her leadership to end solitary confinement as we know it for vulnerable Nebraska children. We encourage all Nebraskans to join with leaders from across the political spectrum to support smart alternatives to solitary confinement for young Nebraskans that ensure better outcomes and advance our shared public safety goals.”
“Fresh data from official reports confirm Nebraska youth facilities are still overusing juvenile solitary confinement and sometimes for reasons that have nothing to do with risk or safety. Some kids are still being punished because of their mental health needs. Working together we can stop this practice now and build upon a growing consensus, including practices in place in our neighboring states, to establish smart alternatives to this extreme punishment to ensure front line staff have the resources they need to rehabilitate young Nebraskans and ensure better outcomes for at risk youth.”