Voting Rights
In Nebraska, those who have completed their felony sentence - also called being off paper - and have waited two years are eligible to vote. This creates needless confusion for county election officials as well as potential voters. No other state which allows former felons to vote has this waiting period.
Tell Nebraska Senators to end the wait. Call 1-308-225-5005 to be connected with lawmakers.
Ban the Box - Fair Chance Hiring
Criminal convictions become a barrier for too many Nebraskans seeking to contribute to their community, support their families, and turn their lives around. Without a fair chance at a good job many Nebraskans might return to a life of crime which impacts our economy and our public safety.
Take action. Contact your senator
Professional Licensing
Nebraska requires more professional licenses than our sister states, presenting barriers to life-long careers for those with a criminal history. Cutting red-tape for business will put more Nebraskans to work and give more Nebraskans a chance to have a good job.
Has professional licensing prevented you from getting a job? Share your story
The ACLU and the Platte Institute for Economic Research are partnering on a series of townhalls to discuss Barriers to Better jobs. Attend on the of the following: