May 28, 2015
CONTACT: Tyler Richard, (402) 476-8091 x104,
LINCOLN, Neb _ Today, thirty four Nebraska State Senators, a super majority, voted to override Governor Pete Rickett's veto of LB 623, a bill that allows young immigrants participating in the Deferred Action for Childhood arrivals program to access driver's licenses. The law is effective immediately and the ACLU's expectation is that that starting Friday, DREAMers will be able to receive licenses at all DMV locations.
Statement from Danielle Conrad, Executive Director
Today is a proud day for Nebraska. This victory belongs to the amazing young people who were empowered to speak out and become effective advocates for themselves and their neighbors. The Nebraska "Dreamers" were well organized and tireless in their effort to persuade legislators that this discrimination was hurting them, their families, and our state. We commend the strong support of Nebraska State Senators, business leaders, agricultural leaders, faith groups and other partners who came together to make this victory possible. Today our state finally closes a dark chapter of unlawful governmental discrimination against these talented young people. Today Nebraska joins our 49 sister states and ensures that these young immigrants can access driver's license so they can actively contribute to our communities and economies.
The ACLU is committed to carefully monitoring the swift implementation of this law. We will be working with our partners to educate DREAMers about the process of obtaining a license. We stand ready to take complaints should any DREAMer experience difficulties at a DMV. Once our clients and other DREAMers have licenses in their hands we will happily make preparations to end our long-running litigation against the state of Nebraska on this issue.
To make a complaint about potential discrimination at the DMV please contact our office.