March 24, 2015
Contact: Tyler Richard,, 402.476.8091 x104
Lincoln, Neb - Today it was announced that the Nebraska Department of Corrections was selected by the Vera Institute of Justice as one of five corrections departments to participate in the Safe Alternatives to Segregation (SAS) initiative aimed at reducing the use of solitary confinement and other forms of segregated prisoner housing. The state corrections departments in Nebraska, Oregon, and North Carolina, and local departments in New York City and Middlesex County, New Jersey were chosen after a competitive bidding process. For more information, including a quote from Scott Frakes, director, Nebraska Department of Corrections, please visit:
Statement from ACLU of Nebraska Executive Director Danielle Conrad
We commend the State of Nebraska for securing this important grant. The Vera Institute has an impressive track record for fostering meaningful reform efforts. Nebraska remains an outlier in the country with nearly 15% of prisoners in some type of restricted housing or solitary confinement. Nebraska needs all hands on deck to end these practices and make smart, effective investments in our criminal justice system rather than using litigation as our only option to cure constitutional violations, restore dignity, and ensure access to mental health treatment to improve public safety.
ABOUT: The ACLU of Nebraska and its diverse membership works in courts, the legislature and our communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and laws of the United States and Nebraska guarantee everyone in this state.