Our dedicated board represents our organizational values and is comprised of a diverse cross-section of Nebraska's civil rights leaders. The 12-18 member board of directors is elected by our membership and includes representation from around our great state. We are proud that our present board includes strong representation of our diverse communities with leaders who are women, people of color, Nebraskans who are LGBTQ+ and Nebraskans with disabilities. In other words, our board looks like "We the People."

To vote in board elections every spring, you must be an ACLU member.

  • Molly Brummond (President)

  • Shivani Sharma (1st Vice President)

  • LaSunya Phillips (2nd Vice President)

  • Dr. Michael Beverly, Jr. (Treasurer)

  • Rosey Higgs (Secretary)

  • Andrew Aleman (National Board Representative)

  • Yolanda Chavez Nuncio (Affiliate Equity Officer & EDIB Co-Chair)

  • Amber Strozier (EDIB Co-Chair)

  • Alejandra Ayotitla

  • Nancy Bare

  • Chris Cox

  • Luciano Ramirez Guerra

  • Stephen B. Jackson

  • Nicholette Seigfreid Meyer

  • Kitra Monnier

  • Natasha Naseem

  • Jeffrey Owusu-Ansah

  • Carol Windrum

Board Expectations


The Board of Directors consists of 12-18 members elected from the ACLU membership at large. Board members serve a three-year term with a term limit of three consecutive three-year terms. Terms are staggered with roughly an equal number of board members being elected at each annual election. The ACLU of Nebraska has a sister-organization structure with a 501(c)(3) nonprofit (ACLU Nebraska Foundation, Inc.) and a 501(c)(4) nonprofit (ACLU Nebraska, Inc.) and accordingly two Boards, but with overlapping and identical membership on each board. So, board members serve on both organizations’ Boards of Directors simultaneously.

Board Giving

Each board member must be a member of the ACLU (c4) and make an annual gift to the ACLU Nebraska Foundation (c3) that is meaningful to them in light of their individual financial resources and should consider making a planned gift.

General Duties and Powers

As a governance board, major responsibilities of board membership include serving as ambassadors for the ACLU in the community, providing high-level strategic direction, and oversight of the executive. Board members also have fiduciary and legal duties to the organization and must ensure organizational policies are updated and effective.  


Board members are expected to participate in quarterly meetings of approximately 1.5 hours and review materials sent in advance. Board members have the opportunity to participate in a board committee, outlined below, but this is not a requirement of board members. They should also be responsive to requests from staff supporting the functioning of the board such as compliance forms and scheduling.

Standing Committees

  • Executive Committee: Comprised of the officers of the ACLU including the national ACLU Board representative. Duties include carrying out Board polices, conducting any regular business as appropriate and necessary in between regular Board meetings, assists with budget development, finance matters, and other business matters as appropriate and necessary. Meetings called by Board President approximately six times a year between regular meetings typically via conference call.
  • Fiscal Committee: Comprised of Treasurer, members of the Board of Directors, and other community volunteers. Duties include regular review of financial reports, review of finance & investment policies, assistance with budget preparation, and oversight of audit matters. Meetings called at the discretion of the chair approximately 2 to 4 times per year typically via conference call.
  • Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) Committe: This board committee advances EDIB efforts by ensuring processes, policies and strategies support inclusive environments; people from impacted communities and under-represented groups are included and people with different perspectives are sought, listened to, respected, and valued; and the ACLU mission and vision are reflected in affiliate policies, planning and practices.
  • Nominations Committee: Appointed by the President with approval from the Board. Must include at least five members, two of which must be Board members who are not eligible for election or reelection that year and at least three at large members. Duties include identifying, recruiting, vetting, and facilitating board nominees for consideration by the Board of Directors to stand for election in accordance with equity and inclusion policy. Meetings called at the discretion of the chair approximately 3 to 4 times November through March.

If interested in joining our board, contact Executive Director Mindy Rush Chipman.

Volunteer and Cooperating Attorneys

Dozens of attorneys volunteer their time to help the ACLU review potential cases or join with us to file a case. If interested in volunteer attorney or co-counsel opportunities, contact Executive Director Mindy Rush Chipman.